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Native Plants on the Monastery Property


Artemisia ludoviciana

Sage is abundant on this land and was used by the Plains tribes for food, medicine, and as sacred smoke.

As medicine, sage was used for:

  • Colds, coughs, tonsillitis
  • Lung disease
  • Stomach ache, diarrhea
  • Salve for sores, skin irritation, and eczema
  • Deodorant
  • Mosquito repellant

As food, sage was used for:

  • Seasoning: Native Americans and later pioneers flavored meats, fowl, and rice with sage
  • Sage was a food source during the winter for animals such as buffalo, deer, elk, and cattle
  • Many rodents eat sage as a main food source

As a sacred smoke, sage was used for:

  • Protecting the teepee or lodge from evil spirits and forces
  • Purifying the body and spirit for sweat baths and sacred rituals
  • Wearing as a bracelet during the Sun Dance